I’m a freelance singer in New York City.

Chanting Zachary Wadsworth’s “Passion according to St. Matthew,” Good Friday 2022, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (dir. Ryan Jackson)

Formed in traditional Anglican church music from an early age, I had my Carnegie Hall debut in 2006 as a child soloist, and continued to sing as an adult in premier ensembles such as Yale Schola Cantorum.

Meanwhile, in 2015 I was diagnosed with Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) by renowned voice therapist Dr. Anat Keidar. Common among ensemble singers, this vocal pathology, also known as “locked larynx,” was inhibiting my ability to sustain classical vocal technique.

Years of study and consultation with singers like Frank Kelley, Sherezade Panthaki, James Taylor, and Paul Laurence Fletcher—as well as lessons in Alexander Technique with Rachel Bernsen—had given me insight into both my vocal potential and the depth of my vocal trouble.

However, in 2021, after isolating with COVID-19, and newly aware of how autism was impacting my vocal coordination, I finally “unlocked” my voice.

If you believe your neurodivergence and associated issues (e.g., dyspraxia) may be inhibiting your musical expression or technique, I may be able to help you.